Wisconsin professor testifies against Common Core

In this 20-minute youtube video, Dr. Duke Pesta of the University of Wisconsin offers some informative background on the origins of Common Core (CCSS), including CCSS funding; on the lack of teacher and professor involvement in CCSS development; on the limited input of standards experts in developing CCSS; on the federal government’s role; on CCSS curriculum, and on his experience with university students who are products of CCSS English curriculum.


Pesta offers a list of states backing out of CCSS, “in whole or in part.” He lists Louisiana. We are not out yet, but there is resistance.

Feel free to comment on where your state is in regards to CCSS.

This video is an excellent complement to my post on the CCSS Memorandum of Understanding as well as my series on Gates CCSS funding.


Photo: Flickr user xx, creative commons licensed.

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