Current Articles
Dear education official:
When a parent informs you that their child(ren) will not be participating in a standardized-test related activity, is the appropriate response to:
A) inform the parent that such is his or her right under Massachusetts’ ever evolving position on said right (or lack thereof);
As I have noted often, the roots of the accountability era—President Reagan’s directive for the Nation at Risk report—are clearly connected to commitments to free market forces as central to education reform.
In which Louisiana’s Nancy Drew gets her hands on those elusive ACT scores: an interview with Mercedes Schneider.
EduShyster: Let’s get right to the question that’s on all of our minds. Is that John White as handsome as he looks in his pictures?
Mercedes Schneider: Well, it depends on how you define handsome. I personally find honesty to be an attractive trait. . .
On Friday I received a 188 word email invitation to an “Arkansas Forum” to “learn about and discuss current hot topics in Arkansas academia” from the Pearson company. Invitations like this aren’t all that uncommon; I receive them with some frequency and it seems that every single day there is a book buyer on campus with 3 million titles on her or his electric reader that wants to stop by my office, take a look at my books, and buy them from me. I’ve only responded to either a couple of times, asking them to promptly get lost.
I'll give Andrew Cuomo this: when he makes threats to come after someone, they aren't just empty political promises. He said he would try to break the public schools, and he appears to be determined to make it happen.