Jennifer Berkshire

The Case of the Disappearing Data

John McDonough High School, New Orleans

In which Louisiana’s Nancy Drew gets her hands on those elusive ACT scores: an interview with Mercedes Schneider.

EduShyster: Let’s get right to the question that’s on all of our minds. Is that John White as handsome as he looks in his pictures?

Mercedes Schneider: Well, it depends on how you define handsome. I personally find honesty to be an attractive trait. . .

Charter Cap 'n Gown: The College Years

A new report finds that Boston’s charter high schools are sending kids on a path through college, one at a time…
Charter Schools

Data Drives the Bus (Over a Cliff)

And some parents say *enough* to a district’s assessment craze…

Rabble Rouser

Lily Eskelsen Garcia is the new president of the NEA and she’s got something to say…

EduShyster: You recently met with President Obama. I’ll ask this first question on behalf of all of my readers: did you set him straight?

Fatuous Pablum

David Kirp says that teaching isn’t a business—and that makes a lot of people really mad…


Rich Student, Poor Student

Students in Salem, MA learn a hard lesson about class

And Now Another Word from Our Sponsor, K12

Operators are standing by…


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