

Legislature Status:

Adjourned; bills carry over into next session.

Existing Programs:

Equal Opportunity Education Scholarships (2011)
Gives tax credits to individuals and corporations who donate to organizations that give private-school scholarships.

Lindsey Nicole Henry Scholarships for Students with Disabilities (2010)
Gives vouchers to students with disabilities to attend private school.

Pending Legislation:



The Oklahoma Supreme Court dismissed a legal challenge to the Lindsey Nicole Henry Scholarships program in November, brought by two public school districts against parents of disabled children receiving vouchers. The court ruled that the plaintiffs had no standing, and should not have been suing parents of the children in the program.

Had the lawsuit been filed differently, it’s possible that it would have been struck down; Oklahoma has upheld its Blaine Amendment in recent rulings to stop public funds from going to private or religious schools.

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