Time Magazine gets on the anti-teacher misinformation campaign

From Diane Ravitch's blog;

TIME Magazine has a cover story called "Rotten Apples," in which it falsely asserts (on the cover) that "It's Nearly Impossible to Fire a Bad Teacher. Some Tech Millionaires May Have Found a Way to Change That." Here is a link to the cover and a petition denouncing this slander.

This TIME cover is as malicious as the Newsweek cover in 2010 that said, "We Must Fire Bad Teachers. We Must Fire Bad Teachers. We Must Bad Teachers," and the TIME cover in 2008 showing a grim Michelle Rhee with a broom, prepared to sweep out "bad" teachers and principals. (As we now know, Rhee fired many educators, but saw no significant gains during her tenure in office.)

This non-stop teacher bashing, funded by millionaires and billionaires, by the Gates Foundation, the Broad Foundation, and even by the U.S. Department of Education, has become poisonous. Enrollments in teacher education programs are declining, sharply in some states. Experienced teachers are retiring early. Teaching has become so stressful, in this era of test mania, that our nation's biggest teacher issue is recruiting and retaining teachers, not firing them.

Since when do tech millionaires know anything about teaching children? Why should they determine the lives and careers of educators? Why don't they volunteer to teach for a week and then share their new wisdom?

You can sign a petition calling out Time's ignorance here - by using this link:http://action.aft.org/c/44/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=9270&sp_ref=69103847.191.9876.o.1.2&tag=c2c

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